validator migration

Migration Guide


Before starting the migration process, ensure you have the following:

  • Access to the old validator server

  • Access to the new server where you want to migrate the validator

  • Necessary permissions and credentials for both servers

Migration Steps

Pause Validator and Backup Data on Old Server

  1. Pause the validator, backup the validator data, and update the enode URL with the new IP on the old server:

    • Run the following command, choose "validator migration," and input the IP of the new server:

    autonity validator setup
    • Copy the backup data located in $HOME/backups to the new server.

  2. Stop the node and oracle:

    autonity node stop && autonity oracle stop

Set Up the New Server

  1. Extract all backup data:

    tar -xvzf backup-keystore_*_*-*-*-*.tar.gz -C ~ && tar -xvzf backup-autonitykeys_*_*-*-*-*.tar.gz -C ~
  2. Install server prerequisites and tools:

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
    sudo apt install curl git jq expect fail2ban ufw -y
  3. Input the password for your key & validator address:

    curl -sO && \
    chmod +x && ./
  4. Start the node and oracle:

    autonity node start && autonity oracle start
  5. After your node is synced, reactivate the validator. To check if your node is synced, run:

    autonity node sync
  6. Reactivate the validator by choosing option 3:

    autonity validator setup

Last updated