Node Installation

Preparing server requirements


For detailed hardware requirements for running Autonity Go Client and Autonity Oracle Server, please refer to Hardware Requirements.

Install Server Prerequisites & Install Tools

update Packages & install dependecies
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt install curl git jq expect fail2ban ufw -y
Install Tools
curl -sO && \
chmod +x && \

If you have already created a validator in a previous round, you can choose "Use Existing Validator" during installation. After installation, you must move the backup data of the validator, specifically oracle.key and treasury.key to the directory $HOME/.autonity/keystore and autonitykeys to the directory $HOME/autonity-chaindata/autonity.

During installation, you will be asked to set a password for the key wallet. The password will be used to unlock the wallet and sign the transaction. The password you create will be saved in the .env Wallets are automatically created during installation, and keystores are saved in $HOME/.autonity/keystorePLEASE BACKUP

There are 3 wallets that were created:

  • treasury.key: serves as our treasury and is used by validators for various purposes, including sending transactions, managing validator lifecycle, and receiving staking rewards. It is also utilized for registration in the Piccadilly Circus Games Competition (PCGC).

  • oracle.key: functions as the cryptographic identifier for the Oracle server. It is employed to sign price report transactions sent to the on-chain Oracle Contract, with its address serving as a unique identifier for the Oracle server. To prevent transaction failures due to insufficient gas, it is essential to pre-fund your Oracle.key account before initiating transactions for online price report data. Be sure to keep your Oracle wallet sufficiently funded!

  • autonitykeys: On starting, by default AGC will automatically generate an autonitykeys file containing your node key and consensus key within the autonity subfolder of the --datadir specified when running the node are the main keys of the node, comprising node and consensus keys. These are located in the directory $HOME/autonity-chaindata/autonity/ and play a crucial role in forming validator addresses and enodes. Additionally, they include the private key for gossip transactions among network nodes and the consensus key for participating in consensus as a validator. to backup all wallet , run command autonity wallet managemnt choose option 4

Running Node

autonity node start

Register for Piccadilly Circus Games Competition

To sign-up and take part just Complete the Registration Form. Then run this command to get autonity address and signature: choose option 1

autonity wallet management

If you have participated in the previous round, you do not need to register again.

Registered game participants will receive basic ‘get going’ funding of 1 ATN and 1 NTN to your participant account on-chain. As part of the game, registered game participants are automatically given an account funded with 1M fake USDC in an off-chain exchange, the Centralized Auton Exchange (CAX). This is your principal source of game funding for on-chain tasks.

Setup Oracle Server

  • Ensure your nodes are synced. To check if your node is synced, simply run autonity node sync. Pre-fund the oracle server account (oracle.key) with ATN. simply run autonity wallet tx

  • Edit your oracle server data plugins config file plugins-conf.yml to specify the name and key for each plugin you are using. Get the API key on the following sites, please register and copy each API key.

nano $HOME/.autonity/oracle/plugins-conf.yml

Running Oracle server

autonity oracle start

Validator Management & Register Validator for task Piccadilly Circus Games Competition (PCGC)

Create Validator

Choose option 1 to register as a validator

autonity validator setup

Register Onboard validator

Complete the Register a Validator Form. Then run this command to get signature and enode:

autonity wallet management

Choose option 2 to create signature and get enode for validator registration.

Autonity Validator Management

The autonity validator command provides a set of subcommands to manage validators within the Autonity network.

Usage: autonity validator <subcommands>

Below is the list of available subcommands:

  • setup: Sets up a validator. You can choose from the following options:

    1. Create Validator

    2. Bond & Unbond Validator

    3. Pause & Reactivate Validator

    4. Change Commission Rate

    5. Migrate Validator

  • info: Displays information about a validator.

  • list: Lists all validators.

  • seat active: Checks for active seats.

  • committee: Checks if your validator is in the active seats.

  • help: Displays help menu.

Using CAX

Simply run the autonity cax menu command.

To see more commands, check cheatsheet, or run the following command:

autonity help

Last updated